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Featured talks I presented on various events.

Building GraphQL API for Kubernetes resources

Imagine that you want to create a UI for your Kubernetes custom resources. You could use Kubernetes API directly, but in most cases, it's better to write your own service which will implement the custom logic and expose a convenient API for the front-end.

Based on our experience in building such a production-grade solution, you will learn:

  • Why we chose GraphQL.
  • How we minimized load on the kube-apiserver.
  • How we went beyond filtering by labels and created more powerful queries for Kubernetes resources.
  • How we secured the GraphQL API.
  • Cloud Native Warsaw
  • Warsaw, Poland
  • 9/2019

Also presented on:

  • SAP Kubernetes Summit in St. Leon-Rot, Germany (7/2019)
  • San Diego Cloud Native Computing Meetup in San Diego, USA (11/2019)

Development team collaboration: Git best practices

Collaboration in the development team is essential. It wouldn't be that easy and straightforward if we didn't have version control systems - programs which makes easy to track and merge changes in text files, that are made by multiple people in the same time.

During the talk I will explain why Git is the go-to VCS, and will go through the best practices based on a few years of commercial experience.

  • SAP Labs Hack Your Career
  • Gliwice, Poland
  • 3/2019

GraphQL in Go

GraphQL became a popular back-end solution in web applications. As the most popular client and server implementations are written in JavaScript, there's no surprise it is usually associated with JS. What if we wanted to use Go? Based on production-grade usage, let's take a look at two the most popular Go libraries and see if a GraphQL server implementation is a painless and enjoyable experience in Go.

  • Gophers Silesia
  • Katowice, Poland
  • 5/2018

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